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Since 2011, I have served as a literacy tutor in New Britain, Connecticut, at Literacy Volunteers of Central Connecticut. In those seven years, the problem has never been too few students, but always the obverse: too few tutors.


I come from an education background, but at LVCC I'm the exception: most tutors hold (or held) non-teaching jobs but simply want to do something to benefit literacy in this country. (A short training course prepared them.)


Oddly enough, tutors will often joke that they benefit more from learning about other cultures and reassessing their own than their students do. It's an exaggeration, but one that holds some truth.


If you're interested, it's a few hours a week and those hours are flexible—mornings, afternoons, and evenings. Why not make a 2019 resolution you'd actually enjoy keeping? Become a literacy volunteer.

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