Did you know that in 1954, Woody Guthrie wrote a song about Fred Trump, the president's late father, accusing the real estate developer of racism concerning NYC rental properties? "Old Man Trump" has been recorded by several people, including Tom Morello. You can hear it online. Fred didn't like that "This Land is Your Land" idea.
That old bromide about the fruit not falling too far from the tree is not always true, especially if it is on a hill—it can roll pretty far and look as if it fell from another tree. It appears that this particular apple fell on flat land and stayed put.
For those who believe in man's natural depravity (damn that apple!) Trump is walking proof. We meet those people in fiction (Chillingworth in The Scarlet Letter, Claggart in Billy Budd). Even I believe that bad behavior is acquired—that people learn to be miserable to each other—Scrooge, and yes, even the Grinch. Somewhere, or maybe everywhere along the way, Donald Trump acquired a thorough disconnect from fellowship and kindness. While growing up, was he shunted away from or taught to despise camaraderie and love—companionship and good humor? Why does he laugh only at others' expense and find amusement only in others' misery? When did tossing paper towels at hurricane victims translate into "I care"?
Did he grow up without books, laughter, warmth, and grace? Did he have birthday cakes? Christmas trees? Easter baskets? We know how Scrooge became Scrooge, but we also know—often firsthand—that so many other children who went without these amenities and endured much worse became active participants in humanity. Donald Trump became a misanthrope, a liar, and a bully. Who taught him?
Yes, it's all dime-store psychology, but at least I know who empowered him—70 million American voters. Most of them would find a new job if Trump were their boss and move away if Trump were their neighbor. Beyond the voters, he has been further enabled by a faint-hearted and feckless Congress and a populace that has lost the ability—or maybe just the will—to discern truth from lies. Make no mistake—the harm this man does will not be limited to one political stripe. The gloating MAGAts and the agonizing Democrats will soon be sharing the same lifeboat and wondering where America went wrong...and where it went, period.
At least they'll know who let it happen.