Presidential Pardons are a Perk of the Office. I Mever Much Cared for Them.
The Confederacy of the Gutless—the Republican Party and Us
Corrupting the Incorruptible—Coming Soon to an Inauguration Near You
Nancy Mace: Duly Elected Protector of Toilets.
A link to your three-minute read for today.
The higher the horse; the harder the fall.
Matt Gaetz may be a punchline, but RFK is a lot more dangerous.
The person and the position—they don't both demand our respect
On Veterans Day, 2024
Maybe it's time for the Democratic party to stop asking for money.
Another spiel about where the Democratic voters went wrong.
Starting Over
No news is good news—late news is a close second.
Trump's Road Show—A Second-Rate Comic without the Gold
Democracy rests on two tenets—the right to vote and the expectation that the winner wins and the loser accepts it.
And now a blog from a person who considers Donald Trump a vulgar, callous, and emotionally stunted boor.
A half-century ago, America rejected a demagogue. Lesson learned—lesson forgotten.
Pecos Bill rode a tornado and wrung out all the water to stop a drought.
To a cultist one truth washes clean the nine lies to come.
Why I won't watch the vice-presidential debate. Hint: it's the same reason I shouldn't have watched the presidential one.